Staff complaints

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Staff complaints

Post by Verte »

not good with forums, anyways i think making a topic is what I want to do if there is no category for what im posting? anyways a topic for complaints towards moderators and admins.
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Re: Staff complaints

Post by Verte »

ok messed that up. Moving on, I'm making as formal complaint as I can towards Dagetslav, who felt it was worthy of muting me for 3 days because of a disagreement over the game mechanics of "Disco Elysium", at a point I said "Daily reminder to block him so you don't have to see this." in banter. I'm not gonna lose sleep over this, but a complaint should be made.
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Re: Staff complaints

Post by daget24 »

Just to be clear, this is the kind of non-shitpost mute i virtually never applied to anybody except for you, and there are people who constantly shit on me and say the most vile things about me in isolated server cliques. I don't care for people who dislike me.

Your whole activity on our discord server can only be described as "Repugnant Attention Whore". You constantly try to stir stupid conversations by expressing brave opinions out of the blue that are always meant to provoke someone stupid enough to take a bait. I added the examples of such in the attachments to actually prove my words, which touch you constantly having opinion about confederates, commies, being xenophobic towards Russians as a whole, telling them to kill their officials and being so brazen as to call everyone a reactionary when you yourself fall and start seething over stupidest and most obvious of shitposts about blacks known to humankind.

This is par of the course for sin-bin but whats takes you over the ledge of untolerable behavior is being constantly antagonistic, insulting and degrading towards people who have different opinion even on such insignificant matters as having different opinions on game mechanics, taking any discussion of such into the sewer grate level, and provoking dogpilling from community, as a way to defend your opinions without actual honest discourse.

Does not matter if its banter or not, because nobody has to comply with your sense of humor.

This is why you got 3 day mute, honestly as a warning and me not wanting to deal with your bullshit, but after putting your whole case together and realizing how actually bad it is, I'll be discussing actual discord ban with the appropiate heads.
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Re: Staff complaints

Post by KIROV »

Do not organize, promote, or participate in hate speech or hateful conduct. It’s unacceptable to attack a person or a community based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, caste, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, serious illness, disabilities, or other protected classifications.
"I hate Russians, they are universally racist"
"I'm racist towards French and Russians"
"Ruskies aren't people"
Do not make threats of violence or threaten to harm others. This includes indirect or suggestive threats, as well as sharing or threatening to share someone’s personally identifiable information (also known as doxxing).
"ill actually kill you"
Do not use Discord for the organization, promotion, or support of violent extremism. This also includes glorifying violent events, the perpetrators of violent acts, or similar behaviors.
"that's because Russian is a dead language
well, once the bombs go off anyways"
"Assassinate your president"
"Go kill your president already"

You're a piece of shit and breaking Discord ToS, that may unironically make Discord delete our server, go ask our downstream, if you think it's a joke.
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Re: Staff complaints

Post by Verte »

All of these are not directly related to any of the things that got me muted, but I'll retort them as civilly as I can. The examples use for "hatred towards russians" was started as a played up rivalry between countries over Hockey, and can easily be seen in the word I tend to use, "ruskies" being an old term used during the cold war. I admit, I played it up a lot, but so has the hatred towards my country. In the end most of this can be chalked up to "Banter that went too far/is out of context." the reference towards hating the french is also a hockey rivalry related thing. Something I do intend to tone down.
The confederate hatred (something pretty well founded outside of a joke) is almost exclusively in discussing them in Deadlands, a tabletop RPG set during an escalated American Civil War. The Confederates in that setting are usually portrayed as amoral and outright villainous, with exceptions being few and far between. While I'm on the subject, hatred towards "commies" is referring (mostly) towards the in-game faction of Excelsior. Excelsior is a gamemode I find extremely unfun and leaves a sour taste in my mouth about antagonists. wrapping back to an early point, deliberate wording choices are used here to evoke a style of talking that is long and dead, and thus can be read as a (not very good) parody.
The use of "reactionary" was rarely unwarranted, as it was in response to extremist views that were, at the time, rather common in sinbin as bait. Bait I admit I took.
Now moving on to what Kirov posted, I admit this evidence is far better and far harder to refute. I genuinely don't remember saying "I'll actually kill you", and it doesn't sound like something I'd say. Feel free to delete said message as I regret posting it, for whatever reason. The "hate speech" one is part of the mentioned played up rivalry, something that looks bad out of the context of a constant back and forth of bashing each other. The "dead language joke" is poorly worded, meant to be a joke about nuclear annihilation rather than some glorification of the destruction of said culture. Culture being lost is sad, and should never be celebrated. I don't believe nuclear annihilation is imminent or likely in the future, but with the amount of references towards it in sin-bin it felt like it wouldn't be misinterpreted. Guess I didn't know my audience.
I take full admission of guilt on the president comments. I said those words. In the context doesn't make them particularly better, but should be noted. People were complaining about the struggles they were having with life under their governments leadership, and after making suggestions I resigned with "well killing them worked historically." A bad joke. Not one I'm proud of and again, feel free to delete those cause I regret typing them out.
My conclusion is thus, while reasons have been given as to why I should and could be muted, these are not why I was. Dagetslav simply disliked a differing opinion I had with him and loathed that I had blocked him. Any reasoning now is justifications, ones I have countered diplomatically, given after his decision. I don't like him, and he doesn't like me. That's fine, people don't have to like each other and Dagetslav still does a service to the server. And more power to him, that's probably not easy. I hope this can be resolved with reason and minimal conflict. If my behavior is a genuine problem I'll take actions to stop them. My issue is not that the above reasons are "bad", It is that it wasn't why I was muted. I felt a need to make a formal complaint, I did, I got a formal response and I want to give another formal response. Thanks for dealing with this with even a modicum of reason, I've dealt with situations where it has been purely spite and hatred.