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"IH-Vagabond TDM"

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:06 am
by wastedfate
There's something that was bothering me with all the drama yesterday, but since everybody was all upsetti spaghetti, I held my tongue and figured I'd bring it up today. A lot of what happened in the drama that caused the server to get shut down was labelled as "IH vs Vagabond TDM", and was said to be a widespread problem.

I didn't see greytiding in the situation that happened. I saw a single IH overreaching their authority to execute a vagabond after escalating the situation past it's tipping point, and then that man got executed. And then he got banned for two weeks.

I didn't see greytiding in the next round when an non-antag IH starting lasering people in the hallways with a Valkyrie for shits and giggles, he killed four people. Yes he was jobbanned, but that's not relevant to this discussion. By and large the biggest issue I've seen is IH "validhunting" if it can even be called validhunting when it's not even valid half the time.

Is there IH vs Vagabond TDM? Yes, there is, but it's not the massive every-round problem it's made out to be, it's by and large IH just escalating as many situations as they can so they can shoot people. Finally, after over a year of it being suggested, IH timelocks are being considered. It sucks that it took a huge fit by one of the staff to see that this was necessary, nothing against him, I'd get irritated dealing with it every round too.

But why is this man still banned? Everyone who saw the situation that I've talked to didn't see wrongdoing on his part. How thoroughly were the logs checked before this ban was handed out? Was this admin pressured by the headmin to hand out a ban? I would like answers to these questions.

Re: "IH-Vagabond TDM"

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 9:57 pm
by fernandos33
i think one of the hugest complains about it. is. that usually when two factions wage war. be it vagabonds, NT or ,IH.... this usually drags the whole ship in with em. since. its usually one of the fundamental sectors of ship. ""aka fight with moebius. kill it. and it won't be able to offer healthcare"", fight with technos. and.. surprise power is now out. and well althought CAPT and FO could use AA to hire new engineers.. thats usually not the case. and since everyone knows theres conflict going on. people just ENTER it. for the fun. i mean.. if the conflict is going to end the round anyway. at least we better part take in it. ""thought""

Re: "IH-Vagabond TDM"

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:52 pm
by Betcher
I mean if I was Technos when other people started attacking us I would just vent the attackers but thats me. Biggest problem I have with IH is lack of accountability. There is a court room for a reason but everyone ignores it. If someone added in a part to the agreement where when the ship lacks a Captain, if 2 of the 4 departments other then IH call for arbitration it would go to the court room that would help stop the devolution of the ship into chaos. If a vagabond is involved have the departments nominate a vagabond thats not been shitting on people to act as the 5th man, if its inter departmental only then IH is the 5th man, or it could be a 3 man jury with a vagabond being a tie breaker if an odd number of departments are involved. If they were required by the agreement to honor the outcome from the courtroom then it would give members of the offending group a chance to walk away instead of banding together in a deathcult. Also give people an excuse to pile on if they refuse to go to the court room to settle it. Yesterday IH attacked a janitor for being a carrion, no checks or anything from what they told me, shot him up and left him for dead in maints. When he was dragged to medbay and checked out, fixed up, turned out he wasnt one. IH decided to throw him in prison anyway for fighting back against the clear one sided actions of the officer. That would have been one of those times it would be nice to have recourse against the Mercs since there wasnt a captain.