I'm sad to announce that we've found the cause of the plasma spreading and the people doing it. It's sad because rather than this being a grief attack from outside of our community, it was done from the inside. The griefing was done by using an unlogged part of the admin commands. The people griefing were Bluefishie and MJP. They were both pushed on to do it by Ancient and Jeff with Cobraroast encouraging it from the sidelines. At the end of the day, this is a video game and i'm not going to give too much thought into what they've done. However, I do want to mention that two mentors and a former admin threw away all their integrity and stabbed this community in the back by griefing with plasma spawning for five days straight.

Jeff - I always considered you a non-malicious person who loves to toe the line. A guy who become the soul of the community. However, in the logs posted below you sought to become someone hated by the community and wants to destroy it without caring about those who play on the server. You became happy when everyone got sad about the plasmafloods, you pushed for people to leave the server and stop playing. Now that everything is revealed in those logs, it's clear you're no longer the jeff that everyone enjoyed playing with but an arrogant selfish griefer who advocates DDoSing everyone on the server. Not the server itself, but every player on it.
Ancient - You were one of the more trustworthy admins on the team but decided to organize a clique to ruin the game for everyone else. You lost whatever trust anyone had in you, if you had any left. Not to mention your constant harassment of new players and anyone who dared to love Eris or have an opposing opinion, it's a shame you turned this way.
Fishie - You used to be a moderator that retired on good terms and have been a mentor for over a year. You were a trusted member within the community but you lost all your integrity and threw away any trust to achieve your goals of ruining the game for everyone else. It's sad that you became this way and i'm very disappointed that someone like you would end up succumbing and being converted to a dumb cause with a flimsy excuse. In fact, you have no excuse, you did this just to be an asshole and run a five-day marathon of plasma griefing.
MJP & Cobra - You were both long time members of the community yet you joined the three above in their quest to ruin the game for everyone else just because you wanted to be "cool". It's sad that Ancient was able to manipulate you to the point where you forgot what it even means to have fun and instead be indoctrinated to ruin the game for everyone else by plasma griefing for 5 days and celebrating when a developer leaves the project.
These five will be permabanned from the server and discord with no chance to appeal. Our community has a very small list of rules. Our biggest rule is to not be a dick and keep others in mind while playing this autistic video game we all enjoy it. You five went above and beyond and became the biggest assholes this server has experienced by betraying the trust of almost everyone in this community and ruining the game for five days straight. You will not be missed.