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The metagaming is strong

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:28 pm
by omnitricks
Excel decides to build base in bar backroom. Before anything was even built (only cut a cam) AI called out Excels based on cut cams and a small gathering of people alone (and not even one they can see because kitchen power has been fucked from the start with no lights and no one bothered to fix it)

AI is lumbermancer by the way. Other contributors of note are Medcar (Suchy), Donut1 (Judah) and Tokanova (Sillyus) based on logs below

Cue validhunters rushing the bar kitchen, not even IH players, with guns demanding people to concede to their demands regardless of agreement or excuse (had a valid one as a illegal art operation because I found an art bench board)

Also there was no evidence of excels at all until we were dead and they can find the implants to justify their mistakes. As proof of their fuck up, the other participants said,

[Common] Delta Heavy states, "THEY DO NOT SEEM TO BE ARMED"
Suchy says, "Fuck excels"
Suchy says, "DIWbn"
Suchy says, "DOWN"
Judah Tanner says, "Sup"
Suchy says, "ON THE GROUND"

(note no evidence, just triggerhappy validhunters)

Judah Tanner says, "On the ground"
[Common] Delta Heavy states, "Limit casualties"

Suchy says, "YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS"
Patrick Rogers says, "So you busted our illegal art op"
Judah Tanner says, "NOWE"
Suchy says, "GET THE FUCK DOWN"
Patrick Rogers says, "An artist bench is not a crime"
Wyatt Fjuronstgol puts the crowbar into the tool belt.
Sillyus Cakillian says, "Sorry, this is my only gun"
Suchy says, "DOWN"

Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
Your armor reduced impact for a bit.
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the head!
Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
The bullet shrapnel sticks in the wound!
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the chest!
Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the chest!
Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
Something feels like it shattered in your ribcage
Patrick Rogers screams!
Something inside your upper body hurts a lot.
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the chest!
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the left arm!
Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the right arm!
Suchy fires Excelsior .30 AKMS (Wielded)!
Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the chest!
The bullet pierces through the reinforced plasteel wall!
Patrick Rogers says, "Unless you have proof I am an excel I am protected by the agreement"
Suchy fires Excelsior .30 AKMS (Wielded)!
Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
Patrick Rogers screams!
The bullet shrapnel sticks in the wound!
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the chest!
Suchy fires Excelsior .30 AKMS (Wielded)!
Patrick Rogers stumbles around.
The bullet shrapnel sticks in the wound!
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the chest!
Judah Tanner fires L6 SAW (Wielded)!
Patrick Rogers screams!
Patrick Rogers is hit by the bullet in the chest!
Suchy fires Excelsior .30 AKMS (Wielded)!
Patrick Rogers seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless...

(As you can see I tried to talk my way out of it but didn't even have the chance. Didn't even draw my gun. They have no excuse that they didn't know I was talking because talking will show the chat bubble)

[Common] Suchy says, "AI open the freezer"
Suchy talks into the supply radio headset
Suchy says, "AI open the freezer"
Austin Duncan says, "What a rotten way to die."
Sillyus Cakillian says, "Haha he thought he was protected"

(I am the club manager by the way, in my club, and there was no one in authority except trigger happy validhunters with no proof)

[Common] Delta Heavy states, "Not on cameras"
[Common] Dillon Watson says, "AI, do not"
Dillon Watson says, "AI, do not"

[Common] Sillyus Cakillian (follow) asks, "AI DID YOU LIE TO US?"
(follow) Sillyus Cakillian asks, "AI DID YOU LIE TO US?"

(note this later comment when there was no proof to even consider excels in the first place)

(follow) Suchy says, "Welp"
(follow) Flip Hastings exclaims, "SEE?!"
(follow) Suchy says, "He didn't"
(follow) Suchy says, "Comply"
Suchy points to Patrick Rogers
(follow) Sillyus Cakillian says, "Ugh"
(follow) Austin Duncan says, "I do not care for communists."
(follow) Sillyus Cakillian says, "Get him scanned in medbay"
[Common] Delta Heavy (follow|eye) states, "I said for you to be carfeul"
[Common] Sillyus Cakillian (follow) asks, "WHERES THE FUCKING EXCEL SHIT?"
(follow) Sillyus Cakillian asks, "WHERES THE FUCKING EXCEL SHIT?"

(And their further banter to proof they didn't care except to get valids despite my attempts to talk and to only check after the damage is done to save their own ass. If I was a normal club manager not liking people crashing into my kitchen and trying to talk them out of it they would be really fucked but they are 'only' lucky because I happened to be excel)

(Honorable mention comments of how much a fucked up meme this is)

Polyzonial: shoot first, at questions later
Polyzonial: ask*

Lazyrobot123: you stop to RP, you get killed by bruhmomentum, them's the rules

Polyzonial: you stop to talk and you get 1 second cracker grenade at your feet

[Common] Judah Tanner (follow) says, "There where three of you in the freezer and you cut camms to it"
(follow) Judah Tanner says, "There where three of you in the freezer and you cut camms to it"

(This is apparently evidence enough for excels and to bust into a room to shoot everyone without even attempting to talk when there is no excel equipment in sight)

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:30 pm
by Lumbermancer
Marshal told me (the AI), that there are Excels, and to look out for any alarms. Lo and behold, a group of random people in kitchen freezer, camera cut.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:38 pm
by omnitricks
Still an extremely big leap to "EXCELS!" and calling all the trigger happy validhunters in just because of a gathering when you found no excel machines (and could not find any because none have even been built) hence the obvious metagaming shit going on. If you called out the cams and wanted people to check it or made a pretense for people to go in for repairs (since I've also been yelling about my kitchen lights from the start of the round) and investigate it would have been a lot more acceptable.

Tl; dr you and your valid hunting posse fucked up and are only technically in the clear because we happened to be excels and not a gathering of randos. Anyone witnessing it would know how shitty it was and you know it.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:47 pm
by Lumbermancer
Marshal knowing what antags are in the round is not metagame knowledge, that's IC knowledge. Also I told them not to kill you because you were not armed, for what its worth.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:58 pm
by omnitricks
Doesn't change the fact that it is still weak circumstantial evidence (knowing there were excels is very different from knowing we were excels when there was nothing else noteworthy pointing that to us; hell we don't even go shooty bam bam people running around with excel gear on the server)

Marshal pointing out there may be excels and to see the signs just gives you a starting point on who to suspect and investigate, which you failed to do as you sent in a murder hit squad of valid hunters immediately without even trying to investigate.

Face it you fucked up no matter the excuse. You had IC knowledge but not the specific IC knowledge which would have warranted such action especially towards me in my own department.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:11 pm
by Lumbermancer
No sir. First I informed Dillon (the Marshall), over medical radio channel, that there's camera cut and suspicious activity in the kitchen. Then I noticed Pablo who was a scientist, and added that this channel may be compromised. Then he ordered me to lock you down and announce your position.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:34 pm
by omnitricks
Honestly, its obviously negligent if not malicious on your part that you allowed it to reach the point of armed people banging on my department with no hard evidence other than hearsay that "there are excels".

The latter is quite obvious based on how the other characters reacted after the damage is done because they can't find any evidence of excels.

You didn't even bother to facilitate an investigation or just asking for cameras to be repaired. Just full on straight facilitated unprovoked murder on a department.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:25 pm
by Lumbermancer
Unfortunately Eris AI is not asimov, and priority is first given to following orders, then protecting ship, and only then protecting crew. But you are kinda right, in principle.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:30 am
by omnitricks
The principle is to not carelessly call people out as antag without any proper evidence other than cut cams. Not opening the doors to a swarm o validhunters which were only there because of aforesaid carelessness. That was where you fucked up.

Re: The metagaming is strong

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:06 pm
by Gagekifer
You didn’t get down on the ground if people point guns at you and tell you to get down you should RP from there nerd