Perma Ban EU Server KKJ113 - Grayrachnid

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Perma Ban EU Server KKJ113 - Grayrachnid

Post by Jakub29 »

BYOND username/Discord Name and Tag:

KKJ113/Jakubek#8820 Various proxies which i will provide if requested

Banning admin:


Where were you banned:

EN Server/Discord/Forums

Type of Ban:


Reason for ban:

"We don't want you in our community"
Applied over two years ago.

Your version of events:

Hooo, boy, that's a long story. Where do i even begin?
To set up some much needec context. Those two+ years ago, i was to put it simply, a poopoo-brained fella, a real slavic infantile piece of dung, right?
I barely knew the basic english back then, less so how to actually rp properly and create interesting situations. In spite of all this, i still enjoyed SS13 greatly, and hence why i even showed up on Eris in the first place.

I was blown away by how unique both visually and mechanically it was. Even two years ago before many updates, the difference was jarring.
I quickly became a regular, joined the discord, partook in community discussions, and that's arguably where the trouble first began.
My poor social sensibilities, coupled with even worse english skill, as well as an annoying shitcurity status, quickly earned me much ridicule in the community. Ridicule which i did not handle well at the time.

If my memory doesn't fail me here, the actual ban came through as a result of a spiral of events.
Firstly, i've been banned off of discord, for annoying the mighty jannies with my juvenile retardation. I've moved to Forums to appeal, made some goof regarding the formatting/intruded on the post of another user{?}, which earned me a ban from the Forums. Such a ban was then mirrored to the actual game itself.
I did not play Eris for 2.5~ years, give or take. I wanted to appeal properly in that timespan but i was banned from all available methods of appeal.
Fast forward a bit since then till the end of the previous year.
I came back to SS13 once again, got slightly invested into the Baystation. There, on their discord, i've seen a tidbit of Eris discusson, the new mechanics they've mentioned had my attention grabbed so i decided its time to come back.
Firstly, since i still had no avenues of appeal, i decided to just quietly evade using a Fortnite-based CID spoofer and a freerly available VPN, to check out the changes.
I did check them out, liked what i've seen and decided to appeal properly.
My pals at Mojave Sun13 provided me with Gray's DiscordTag and throughout December i tried to make my case about an unban.
I've been told that a recommendation from another server would be needed.

Now, the thing about inter-janny recommendation is that in order to receive them, you have to not only be well-known in the community to receive them, you also need to be friend with one of the admemes, basically.
At that point Bay was the only server i played somewhat regularly, it has a pretty tight circle of people who knew neach other for years. I've only played it for a month of two, so obviously i wasn't the sorta guy they'd recommend.
Sure enough, it later turned out that Baystation doesn't even provide recommendations and vouches as a rule of theirs, can't happen, nada.
I've told Gray about it.
He[? genuinely not sure what's its genderino is sorry} told me that he would speak with the Bay admins on some shared Janny Chat.
Shortly after my request had been denied.
At that point Gray told me that i would straight up need to grind out some heckin reddit karma, social credit, ss13 influence on another server in order to get back, and that nothing could be done short term.
Now, im all for earning my redemption through hard work but im not gonna grind out positive renown on fulp for a year when i can just evade in five minutes, especially since i had no evil intentions in mind.
And so i've evaded, joined the discord under alternative account, mostly cause OOC community interaction is pretty much a part of the game in itself.

Eventually one of the admins caught on.

"H-HE KNOWS LIFEWEB, I-I-IT CAN'T BE!" He screamed, in utter terror and bewilderment, as all of the puzzle pieces assembled into a solid image inside of his mind.

Week later, i presume, someone had found logs connecting the new Ckey to the old IP and such.
And that was that.

Now, another fast forward, a week into the future, today, this day, right now, like, half an hour ago or smth.
I hopped onto the server on brand new, sweet, exclusive pre-paid incognito brazil-based hackermode Byond account.
All the VPN's were running, on full speed, my fans and internal water coolers were working hard to upkeep the strain of my masterful crime. And yet, a brilliant computer scientist from Switzerland, under the name of Doktor710, caught me red-handed.

In our quick PM exchange he told me that i don't seem like such a criminal, and that i don't seem to ban evade the game to cause grief, harm or toxicity.
I was requested to make a proper appeal and assured that its a much better solution than my continous evasive scheme.

I am obliging his request right here right now btw, shoutout to the real G.

Teh End.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

A multitude of reasons which i will neatly list here.

-Original ban was applied two and half years ago
-During my short evasive spree, i did not commit any harm or grief, i was a positive addition to the playerbase, and have gotten positive feedback from the players, i could name a few of them if need be, you could also just ask people in the disc.
-Doktor710 himself noticed that trend of mine, not to cause harm and all.
-The original ban was applied mostly for me being a little twat OOCly, an issue that would not repeat itself in the current circumstances.
-I've changed greatly since that ban was applied, both in regards to my RP and English skills.[Not to mog all over the place, but heckin internet tests told me that im at least in the C1 cattegory so well yeah erm, y'know.]

And that's pretty much it.
Grant me a second chance, Gods of Eris!

Please and thank you.

Extra notes:

C'mon mate, you can't be serious, it's been two and a half fucking years, what's the worst thing that could happen if you'd let me back in?
If i do fail, you can always just lock me out again. There's literally no harm in giving me a chance.

Last edited by Jakub29 on Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perma Ban EU Server KKJ113 - Grayrachnid

Post by Firefox13 »

Various proxies which i will provide if requested
Provide them then.
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Re: Perma Ban EU Server KKJ113 - Grayrachnid

Post by Jakub29 »

Ckey: Javakovich, Jakub29.
Discordtags: Wielemetejnow#8840, and one other that's a variation of Javakovich. I don'thave the discordtag anymore cause i set it up with some shitty 10min temporary emial. I set up Biscuit Oliva from Baki as my pfp if that's any help.

That's about it, i'm fairly certain Doktor710 already banned Javakovich proxy on byond.
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Re: Perma Ban EU Server KKJ113 - Grayrachnid

Post by Jakub29 »

I would also like to point towards one little detail i forgot to include in the original post.

In my first appeal conducted with Gray via discord, i proclaimed that i thought i'd be let back in no problem, because of how much time has passed, and that this seems to be the norm with perma bans across the ss13 community.

I was told that this isn't the case of Eris, and that they do things differently. However, while browsing through the Ban Appeals section of the forum, i've noticed a peculiar thing.

Another user with a permaban of similar duration has appealed. He was allowed back in without any probation, necessity of a vouch or even a slight hesitation.


I don't want to jump straight to conclusions but it would seem like my case has been treated quite differently from the rest, for reasons i can only suspect.

I would also like to point out to clear all and any doubts, that to the best of my knowledge Gray had no idea or suspicion of my Ban Evasion scheme. Meaning, there was no reason on his part to act out of norm in regards to my initial appeal, and yet it would appear that he have done so.

In Grays own words "I'm willing to lift this since it's a 2 year old ban".
I can only hope that the same approach will be employed in regards to my inquiry, seeing as it is immensly similar, if not even less severe than what Resor went through.
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Re: Perma Ban EU Server KKJ113 - Grayrachnid

Post by Firefox13 »

Code: Select all

Reason for ban:

"We don't want you in our community"
I'll quickly skip the original ban reason since it was so long ago but I shit you not the amount of negative mentions of your name on discord server and in admin channels is concerning.

First, you ban-evaded in the first place and lied in your first appeal. The whole recommendation thing boils down to "Play on a server for a 2-3 months without causing much trouble", that's it. No being friends with admins, no paywalls, no registrations on shady sites. This opinion most likely stems from people who played like 2 hours over 3 months and then thinking that this is enough (it is not). Baystation also provided negative feedback about your discord activity and they do provide vouches.
(excrept from their discord, read it thrice if you do not understand what it means)

Second, you DM'd admins about it which we really don't do on Eris, I don't really get why Gray handled this partially in DMs but oh I don't really care. You even DM'd someone who isn't even a fucking admin anymore.

I'm denying this appeal on account of you being a ban-evader. Not like this should stop you, unless you're really dedicated. If you actually matured from back then and you currently play on other servers (without getting banned too) frequently) you can appeal in a few months but until then practice your writing skills on other servers.
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Re: Perma Ban EU Server KKJ113 - Grayrachnid

Post by Firefox13 »

Oh and the other person's ban appeal - they appealed their ban without DMing in discord prior and just waited it out without ban-evading. That's why it was approved