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Soyoboyo - Valothebrute Something something murderbone?

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:50 am
by Soyoboyo

BYOND username/Discord Name and Tag:


Banning admin:


Where were you banned:

EN Server

Type of Ban:


Reason for ban:

Ran around murderboning as contractor. while on probation.

Your version of events:

This was a while ago but I'm pretty sure I double rolled antag as a marshal and contractor and took it to mean that I could be whatever out of the two I wanted. I opted to be an aggressive contractor and whip out marshal crap to justify what I was doing. From my recollection, nothing interesting or egregious happened from the moment I went aggressive to the techno incident. Culminated in a makeshift kidnap attempt on an extremely stubborn technomancer who wouldn't stay down. I lacked the materials to restrain them so I opted for dragging them in paincrit/sleep and every time they woke up they'd try to fight back. Ultimately, they popped their own head off by moving around with a bunch of embedded crossbow bolts in their skull and apparently that was the 'culmination' of my murderbone and I had to be banned right then and there.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

Apologies for not understanding that being too good at contractor in the wrong way was a bannable offense. At the time and up to now I still don't get what I did wrong and I suppose it'll be proven to me in a witty and rich reply by one of the staff members. I'm a normal-ass player and I'm just good at combat so I guess if Montague and Bell are still around I can't be that bad.

Extra notes:

Check /tg/'s records, they don't seem to have a problem with me

Re: Soyoboyo - Valothebrute Something something murderbone?

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:18 pm
by Valo
from what i remember you were banned by me and camper for seemingly running around shooting everything that moved, wasnt handled the best by us (using paralyze when we shouldnt have) as we were both inexperienced admins at the time, but the ban reason still seems solid to me, it was for mainly shooting at technos including random other department members.

Check /tg/'s records, they don't seem to have a problem with me

Re: Soyoboyo - Valothebrute Something something murderbone?

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:17 pm
by Soyoboyo
Peep the length between the last two notes. And, peep the length between that last note till now. If 6 months and 2 months of no problems is too short for you, then I'm sorry I don't fit into your prestigious clean-record clique.

Re: Soyoboyo - Valothebrute Something something murderbone?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:01 pm
by Doktor710
Appeal accepted. However, the permanent ban will be replaced with a permanent antagban until we see that you're worthy of it due to your previous notes.