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KKJ113 - Benblu

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:33 pm
by Jakub29

BYOND username/Discord Name and Tag:


Banning admin:


Where were you banned:

EN Server

Type of Ban:


Reason for ban:

Rule 0: Constant BSJ votes.

Your version of events:

I admit that in the past i used to excessively spam BSJ moreso for the gag than the actual need of restart, however i've gotten better with it and i think that ban is unjust and takes into the account an outdated view of my BSJ activities.
Yesterday(16th of March 2024) i've called a BSJ, but only after asking in OOC if that'd be okay. No one objected. The round was also already past 3 hours mark.

Sorry if that ruined anyones ongoing round stuff but i did ask beforehand. Would've asked an admin but none were online at the time.

Why you think you should be unbanned:

I think IC i bring a lot of fun into the rounds(haven't had a complaint yet) and that the ban itself is based on an outdated reputation of mine. I don't spam BSJ anymore, i just called it that time AFTER asking OOC for permission and after 3 hours had passed.

Should i be unbanned i just won't touch that button ever again since it seems like it ruffled some feathers. I'm also not asking for a complete lift but a decrease from a permaban. I can see why you'd think that some punishment is in order so i would like to request the ban to be shortened to few months if possible.

Extra notes:

It's also worth noting that a BSJ vote is still a vote and one person can not rig it. My vote-power at the time was 0.5, meaning that i my vote was not worth much when compared to the average, and that the restart itself was a decision of the community moreso than my own.

Also, sorry.

Re: KKJ113 - Benblu

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:58 pm
by Benblu
Well, bud, you've really made waves in regards to this, specially since people were having fun in the round you restarted.
Get a vouch, then we can talk.

Re: KKJ113 - Benblu

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:02 pm
by Jakub29
Is there any way to resolve this without a vouch? As i've mentioned i would settle for a few months of ban or something of that nature. I don't really play a lot of SS13 aside from Eris, so in order to get a vouch i'd have to spend significant amounts of time playing on other servers which i don't enjoy as much.

I'm open to practically any other alternative.

Re: KKJ113 - Benblu

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:42 pm
by Jeff139
I'd like to chime in on this as well, though I may not be the banning admin.

Jakub. Sure, no one action you did was against any one rule, but as I'd warned you several times, being enough of an annoyance to the server *is* a problem. You play Eris explicitly and exclusively for the conflict. You powergame to get to a point where you are a valid contender alone in any conflict, you do a mix of outright terorrism and minor-ish crimes in an attempt to instigate other factions to attack you. You proceed to fight to your death, usually by Ironhammer or some contractor's hands depending on who acts loudest, and immediately start spamming restart votes until either restart happens or you get revived.
If you are removed from the conflict any other way or fail to instigate conflict, you spam restart votes.
There are three issues with this.
1. Annoying loud sound effect blasting people's ears every few minutes just because one guy died.
2. If people are engrossed in what they're doing, restart votes can pass successfully even though the majority does not actually want to restart yet. With only one or two restart votes every hour or two of gameplay, it's rarely an issue, but when someone has their finger on the button waiting for the cooldown, it becomes a genuine risk, which causes players to be more paranoid than they are already, in fear of losing what little good RP they can squeeze out of lowpop hours where a couple players can easily turn the tide.
3. "If you put yourself in opposition to the whole community, then you better leave the server and look for another place to play. Otherwise, we will show you the door by force." Exact quote from our EN rules. You were asked to stop more times than I can count. You continued.

I would also like to point out a fourth issue with the votes themselves, and this one is very special and unique to you.
4. You run them without context sometimes. To be clear on what I mean, you have called BSJ votes from the lobby on multiple occaisons in the past. You have no reason to be trying to end the round without even *being in the round*

Now, on to another big reason I don't think you should be welcome in this community unless and until your behavior changes significantly.
You have this habit of doomsaying while perpetuating the issues you complain about. You complain about lowpop and yell that the server is dead. Doing so discourages people from joining. In doomsaying, you lower the likelihood of new players joining a round, which in turn reduces the overall round pop, which in turn validates your doomsaying, making it more effective at putting people off from playing Eris.
On top of this, your votes, can make less confident players think the server is slowing down or dying off for the round, causing some of them to leave, further perpetuating the cycle. Alongside that, if they're successful and interrupt a situation, the players involved in that situation will often leave for the day, coming back later. This, again, reduces the overall pop of a round, as people see less people on and assume your doomsaying is valid.

To put the above paragraphs short, you actively bleed away our pop, especially when it's already low or slow. Until you've put forth major effort in changing your ways and learning what it means to play in a roleplay focused server as opposed to an antag-focused server, I do not believe you should be welcome back in our community.
My apologies, and I do hope you work on improving in the future.

Re: KKJ113 - Benblu

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:03 pm
by Valo
the only real situation that i would approve an unban here would be if Eris gets an admin tool that lets us ban specific people from starting votes

Re: KKJ113 - Benblu

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:55 am
by Benblu
Well shit, the rest of the active staff besides our wonderful host firefox have spoken.
Don't come back.

Re: KKJ113 - Benblu

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:12 pm
by Firefox13
Yeah, above opinions sum up my.